Feeling hugged in Edmonds, Washington: A photo essay

Have you ever arrived in a community and felt hugged? That was my first impression about Edmonds, Washington, my sister’s town. As we sipped coffee, sampled toasted cheese sandwiches, and strolled along the high tide mark looking for beach glass, I thought, “Wow, this is one of the most picturesque waterfront communities around.” So yes, even though it’s connected at the hip with Seattle, 11 miles to the south, Edmonds has a small-town feel to it. But rather than babble away, I’ll let the photos do the talking…

Wait. I’m getting ahead of myself. First we had to fly to Seattle from Alaska…

Alaska Airlines, Kodiak, Alaska, travel
Departing Kodiak, Alaska on a beautiful, September morning.
Edmonds, travel, flowers, business, restaurant, coffee
Edmonds pride: downtown planted areas adopted and maintained by local businesses.
fountain, edmonds, Washington, travel
Downtown Edmonds is a haven for walkers. This fountain serves as a roundabout hub.
Edmonds, Washington, flowers, eat, shop, travel
Water feature in a garden “square” of restaurants and shops.
Edmonds, art, travel
Even the sidewalks are a treat for the eyes, and feet.
Soup, Cheese Monger, Edmonds
The Cheese Monger has the best tomato soup and cheese sandwiches which go hand in hand.
Edmonds, gardens, food, travel
Edmonds is pro-active in supporting recycling, the arts, clean beaches, local food and gardens.
Photos, Edmonds, diving
A colorful arrangement of scuba diving tanks caught my creative eye.
library, books
Who can’t love lending libraries?
Crystal ball, photos
I like to travel with a clear, crystal ball. Fun stuff for photos…
Edmonds, statue, travel, ferry, beach
We stopped by this statue while watching the ferry boats go by. I hope these gulls don’t poop on my head…

Alas, it was time to say goodbye. I’ll miss the views of the Olympics and Puget Sound, and the Cascade Mountains. And good coffee. I wanted to stick around for the scarecrow contest, but we were off to Italy. But that’s another story…
Thanks for stopping by, er, visiting…

0 thoughts on “Feeling hugged in Edmonds, Washington: A photo essay”

    1. Hi Jayne… the glass ball is about 2 inches in diameter. A friend bought it for me from a magician’s supply firm. Don’t know of a camera lens but I’m sure it’s out there… Big hugs to you!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it, Diana. And sheeesh, I’m glad the gulls look safe. Otherwise it would be concrete poop. Silly stuff, I know. May we always carry a childlike attitude. Love to you!

  1. I feel like I have had a lovely vacation this morning -thanks to your beautiful pictures. I had Lunch too – I LOVE soup and cheese sandwiches. YUM!

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