In the winter of 1984, I delivered my personal belongings to a Seattle shipping company and then drove to SeaTac airport to catch a flight to Kodiak, Alaska, a large, kidney-shaped island in the Gulf of Alaska. A week later, I celebrated New Year’s Day with new friends.
Thirty-one years later, I’m still in Kodiak. It’s winter again and it’s dark outside. But it’s bright here in my office with my iMac where I just finished working on one of photos. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it. I couldn’t stop there though. Following the image below you’ll find four, short ‘n sweet quotations that I hope inspire you or someone you know, to start the new year with a positive attitude.
“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Your daily life is your temple and your religion.” ~Kahlil Gibran
“So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” ~Psalm 90:12
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ~Maya Angelou
Happy New Year to you from a finally snow covered Chippewa Valley.
Yikes Alice… we had 80-knot winds and rain recently. No more snow. Please send a truckload or two to Kodiak!
Hi Marion, Love the 2016 photo rising up over the hills of Kodiak ! A beauty! Happy New Year to you!
And many, many love-hugs to you, Diana!
Happy New Year to you and your family- Thank you for your great website! I’ve been following you for about a year. I’m amazed at your garden and organic recipes. We lived in Kodiak between 1971 and 1974- so particularly love seeing your photos. Thanks again-
Helen from Ohio.
Great to hear from you, Helen. You lived in Kodiak during an amazing time, fishing, weather, people, you name it. Glad you enjoy the posts and I hope Ohio is treating you well. Joy and good health in 2016. Cheers, Marion
Thank you for your posts over the year, and especially this positive entry. I needed to hear your kind and thoughtful words. Happy New Year!
Hi Rich, I’m happy the posts are uplifting in one way or t’other. I try to keep my posts upbeat; goodness knows there’s enough ranting a raving out there to make you believe the world is going to end tomorrow. Attitude is SO important! Lots of love from Alaska, Marion
So nice to hear from you. I always look forward to your news. That’s a great photo. Love what you did with the 2016. Interesting you mention your iMac because I’m looking to jump from PC to Mac. First I got my gen 1 iPad and really liked it, still in use now 5 1/4 years out. Then two years ago got my iPhone 5s after 5 years with a Palm. With sons help I got every note and photo and contacts moved. I love my iPhone. My desktop PC has been dead for years so I rely on my laptop, which is now nearly 5 years old. So here I am contemplating iPad Pro vs iPad Air one of which I want soon. Then Mac Pro I think? Would love your thoughts on the subject. I really want to get back to organizing and playing with my photos. Happy New Year! Velda in California
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Hi Velda, I like my Macbook Air for a laptop. I have an iPad but use it mostly when we travel. My desktop is an iMac, which I love. Happy New Year!