On a beautiful fall day, podcaster Catherine Praiswater stopped by the garden to ask me about the birds and the bees. Eagles and bumblebees, actually. She adjusted her mic and together we watched a fishing boat slide by a couple of sea otters.
As I fluffed up the yellow mustard flowers (see photo below), we talked about making compost from kelp and what sound a juvenile eagle makes.
“Marion, if you had three things to tell our listeners about organic gardening, what would they be?” she asked.
I thought a moment. “The first thing would be to grow, in the form of food, something you like to eat.
“And then when it comes to gardening, there is no such thing as failure. What’s the worst thing that could happen? It ends up in the compost!”
It’s a fun and positive podcast called, “I Want to Be Open to the Gifts That Are Shown to Me.” It’s episode #5 on Your Positive Imprint, Catherine’s podcast site. Give it a listen on iTunes as you commute to work, make dinner, or walk in the park. By the way, I posted links to Spotify, Podbean and other podcast sites below.

A positive podcast…
It’s a pretty sweet interview, I must say. But don’t believe me, here are a few comments that came in right after it aired:
What a great interview! I loved her comment about just being a cheerleader. Thank you for the beautiful calendar. We will enjoy Marion’s photography all year long.
—ChamaMamaCan almost smell the fragrance, hear the ocean and see the sights! Inspirational!
—Kathie AnthonyThe organic gardener knows how to live life. She provided wonderful anecdotes.
—V. SanchezI really enjoyed these first episodes on this brand new podcast. Each story was very different but each of the individuals interviewed are amazing. From Alaska, through Africa, and Tanzania – great stuff! Your Positive Imprint is an important contribution, because it is, as Catherine says, positive!
Thank you soooo much for stopping by, and for listening!
Cheers and blessings to you!
P.S. What you think about the podcast-interview? Jot your thoughts in an email to [email protected] or post a comment in the box below.
More ways to hear the podcast:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1Ny6zeRjCsFDPfC0dszItu?si=Va7_sNBiSTSChPg8HzdUfg
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/catherine-praiswater/your-positive-imprint
Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Iwb6eqjoaoy2we4ug24li5ljogq
Podbean: https://www.podbean.com/podcast-detail/cgeac-7f456/Your-Positive-Imprint-Podcast
TuneIn: https://tunein.com/podcasts/Arts–Culture-Podcasts/Your-Positive-Imprint-p1182903/