Seven prayers for peace

Every year, the International Day of Peace falls on September 21. But why not celebrate peace every day? I’m not suggesting you run around with a billboard declaring, “World Peace or Bust!” That accomplishes little. To realize true peace, true happiness, you need to practice it as you go about your daily activities, however grand or mundane they may be. Soon, peace will feel as familiar and comfortable as your favorite shoes. And that’s the kind of calmness you want to radiate so that when people come into your presence they think, “Wow, I want some of that, too.”

I invite you to download these posters, which I created from my photographs. Use them on your desktop, your iPhone; print them, share them. “Give peace a chance,” as John Lennon said.

Thanks for visiting. With blessings,
Marion Owen, Kodiak, Alaska, photographer

posters, peace, prayer, quote, quotations, photograph, Kodiak, Alaska, Marion Owen, snowflake, real snowflake, snow crystal, Marcus Aurelius
posters, peace, prayer, quote, quotations, photograph, Kodiak, Alaska, Marion Owen, whale, tale, humpback, saint francis
posters, peace, prayer, quote, quotations, photograph, Kodiak, Alaska, Marion Owen, Henry Miller, lighthouse, oregon, coast
posters, peace, prayer, quote, quotations, photograph, Kodiak, Alaska, Marion Owen, sleep, counting sheep, night
posters, peace, prayer, quote, quotations, photograph, Kodiak, Alaska, iris, wildflower, happiness, Marion Owen, Paramahansa Yogananda, SRF, Self Realization Fellowship, Autobiography of a Yogi
posters, peace, prayer, quote, quotations, photograph, Kodiak, Alaska, Marion Owen, love, power, Jimi Hendrix

0 thoughts on “Seven prayers for peace”

  1. Marion, The quote from Mother Teresa is one of my favorite quotes and I have it on my fridge.
    Grace and Peace be Yours in Abundance. 1 Peter 1:2 M.

      1. We are doing well. Summer was good this year with good rains which we always need here. We are headed to Portland later this week to visit Ethan and family. Looking forward to the beauty in Oregon…and seeing the grandchildren. I can see all is well in Kodiak.

    1. Oh Hari, thank you so much for taking the time to let me know what you think. There are a bzillion photographs in this world but if my images can encourage even one person to ask the question, “Why am I here? What’s the purpose of life?” then I feel I’ve done my best.

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