The day I was hugged by a fern

Alaska’s 2015-2016 winter was the second warmest on record, dating back to 1925. And here on Kodiak Island, it’s been one of the rainiest. So when the clouds parted a few days ago, I took my camera for a walk along an ocean bluff, edged with spruce trees, in search of spring wildflowers and fresh greenery.

It was early for wild orchids (I promise to post later), but I came upon clumps of graceful fiddlehead ferns. I crouched down onto my belly, grateful for the mattress of moss, to study the tall stems that hadn’t completely unfurled.

Oh my.

Suddenly I felt warm and tingly. Not thunder and lightning stuff. Just a subtle shift from looking at stems and fronds to seeing heads and outstretched “arms.” As if recognizing a long lost friend, I smiled and mentally sent a greeting, “Hello there.”

When I finally picked up my camera and started composing the image, I felt like I was taking a portrait…

A similarity between blood and chlorophyll. Really?

A few days after meeting Fernie, I came across an interesting blog post,  The amazing similarity between blood and chlorophyll where the author looks at common links between plants and humans. “Chlorophyll contains oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, and magnesium, whilst hemoglobin from the blood contains iron at the place of magnesium. Both iron and magnesium are metallic atoms.”

How similar are we, humans and plants?
How similar are we, humans and plants?

It is definitely food for thought, to behold the Oneness in all.

Meanwhile, I’m celebrating spring in new ways and looking forward to more discoveries along my inner Journey.

“Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love!” ~~ Sitting Bull

forest, tree, spruce, Kodiak, Alaska, rainforest, hike,
A Sitka spruce tree seems to reach out to hikers passing by in a Kodiak, Alaska forest. (Marion Owen photo)

0 thoughts on “The day I was hugged by a fern”

  1. Your photos definitely make one think of moving to Alaska, but I think I’ll stay in Oregon. Saw a Japanese cooking show the other day where she battered and fried fiddleheads. I’ve not had them cooked that way or on pizza. Would be worth trying! M.

    1. Funny I should read your fiddlehead comment today… this afternoon we visited friends who live off the grid an hour’s boat ride away; we feasted on picked beets, homemade sausage, smoked salmon and pickled fiddleheads. What a treat!

  2. Marion, you did “humanize” the fern. A little unsettling but they are so tasty…Enjoyed your thoughts and photos as usual. Miss the Kodiak forest. It is so beautiful and unique. Enjoy the spring.

  3. Nice try, Marion, I’m still going to eat a few fiddleheads before they unfurl! I only clip a couple from the bunch that pop up from each root stalk every spring. There will always be some to hug and some to keep the clan well-fed for next year. Fiddleheads are somewhat poisonous (that’s what I tell all my friends) until they are par-boiled for about five minutes and drained very well. Then they are sauteed with coarsely-sliced thick bacon dices until just barely tender, about the same time as when the bacon is almost crisp. A couple of grinds of Tellicherry black pepper, pink Himalayan salt, and a few scratches of fresh nutmeg and you will have a spring treat that tastes like you just got hugged!

  4. Lovely photos and thoughts, Marion. A good reminder to sit quietly and see what miracles are around us rather than be preoccupied by the thoughts whirling around in our heads. Give my best to the fern(s).

    1. Thanks, Eva. The hug was, well, rather unexpected. I was there, taking photos, pretty much working out of my head, if you know what I mean. So it was a sweet surprise. Also a heads-up reminder to wake up and smell the roses (get hugged by a fern).

  5. As usual, an in sight full post, thought provoking and interesting . Always save your post to read last, like dessert!

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