When celery is cloaked with diamonds

Let’s face it, celery is an unappreciated vegetable. A little goes a long way for me. Still, I grow several plants in containers on the deck where it’s convenient to harvest, but mostly to discourage slugs.
But this year’s celery crop was a culinary failure though. The flavor was so strong and bitter, I didn’t dare chance making soup with it. But instead of cutting it down in favor of say, spinach, I let it grow into its natural form. At that point, I pretty much ignored it.

Then, one misty morning, I looked out the kitchen window. Each celery stalk, topped with flowers, was bespeckled with dew. Droplets of water that sparkled like diamonds.

I set the paring knife down and grabbed my camera gear. I ignored the lazy thought, “Oh, I’ll shoot it tomorrow” and headed outside.

Returning to my kitchen chores, I thought about something a fellow photographer shared with me this summer. In essence:

If, when you go out to take pictures, you have narrow expectations or you’re restless in the head, then you’ll miss the gifts that the Universe is sending you.

I think this is true in anything we attempt in life, don’t you think?

Feel free to download this photo to use as your phone’s wallpaper or desktop background.

And many thanks for visiting!

8 thoughts on “When celery is cloaked with diamonds”

  1. Thanks for the additional information! In past years I’ve had trouble with blossom end rot in tomatoes but not this year. Definitely will do the soil test next year! M.

  2. Hi Marion,
    The insect (I don’t think it’s a bug) is about about to plunge into its private pool on the West side.
    So, what do you think? A quarter teaspoon of 20 Mule Team Borax in a gallon of water … spritz the celery leaves once while growing to stop the bitterness. Boron moves the calcium which moves the sugars, which makes the celery taste less bitter.

    1. Hi Daryleone,
      I have not heard of using Borax on celery but sometimes do find celery to be bitter. Is there anything else you use this mix on to stop bitterness? Don’t actually understand the relationship with calcium and bitterness but would be willing to try this on next year’s garden. I’ve only used Borax in washing and on carpet to get rid of fleas.
      Thanks for the great idea! M.

      1. 20 Mule Team Borax is about 10% boron. Step one is to VERIFY low boron with a soil test. Calcium moves sugars through a plant’s xylem (nutrition from the roots up) which can counter bitterness and cracking. A lack of boron in the soil hinders the ability of calcium to give the plant full availability of nutritional sugars. It has been said that if calcium is the delivery truck, boron is the driver. So when the plant can get a full nutritional delivery, any potential bitterness disappears.
        Never apply boron (borax) without a soil test. TINY amounts of boron can work wonders. Too much can often be fatal to a plant.
        Boron deficiency is said to cause hollow heart and black heart in potatoes. Undersized cauliflower heads with brown spotting is a sign of low boron. Blossom end rot in tomatoes is often caused by low calcium which in itself can be caused by low boron. ALWAYS test the soil first.

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