How to motivate yourself when you don’t feel like it

What chores do you avoid? Maybe it’s cleaning the bathroom. Or grocery shopping. For me, weeding was a grueling chore. Then I came across Daniel Pink’s “Pinkcast” called, How to motivate yourself when you don’t feel like exercising.

I listened to the full 115 seconds. His rationale hit me like a brick: How could a simple word (you’ll see) be so effective in changing one’s attitude?

With a title like that, how could I resist watching? Besides, here he was, bestselling author Daniel Pink, standing in a snowstorm, wearing a jersey, and looking right at me.

“I get to go for a run,” he says, with snow dotting his T-shirt like bird doo. I won’t spill the beans here (beans are another healthy topic)…

But if you want to know how to motivate yourself, watch this video. And then tell me what you think.

After viewing Dan’s message, I found myself changing how I thought. Here are a few examples:

No: I HAVE to exercise.
Yes: I GET to hike with my friend Deb.

No: I HAVE to cook dinner tonight.
Yes: I GET to serve my husband a homecooked meal.

No: I HAVE to weed the garden.
Yes: I GET to stretch and soak in fresh air and sunshine while pulling weeds.

As usual, I appreciate you stopping by.

Cheers and blessings!

Kodiak, Alask

P.S. Remember, I’d love to know what you think of Daniel Pinks’ movie. This is not a confession; just curious.

You might find these resources interesting…

1. Why I ditched meat and dairy for a plant-based diet: Healthy recipes and plant-based cooking
2. Harvard Medical School: The right plant-based diet for you
3. What’s Your Why?

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