I’ve been carrying a camera around since I was ten, starting with a Brownie Instamatic camera, a gift from Mom and Dad. It’s all digital now. Thousands of images later, sometimes I’d wonder, “Aren’t there enough photos
I’ve been carrying a camera around since I was ten, starting with a Brownie Instamatic camera, a gift from Mom and Dad. It’s all digital now. Thousands of images later, sometimes I’d wonder, “Aren’t there enough photos
It’s 10:30 PM on December 31 in Kodiak, Alaska. Dogs are barking outside, thanks to fireworks. Yes, I’ve received invitations to parties, but I’m not going out tonight. Rather,
Keys in hand, grocery list in my pocket, I head to the door for a round of errands. While slipping on my gloves, I glance out the office window just long enough to watch several snowflakes make their way earthward.…