
3 Personal Stories to Prove that Miracles Do Happen

What are miracles? Coincidences? Lucky accidents reserved for saints? If you’ve ever wondered if magic is real, these stories will confirm that modern-day miracles do happen. And that you deserve them.

Miracles do happen (3 personal stories)

Story #1: On a flight to Anchorage, Alaska

I don’t like sitting in the middle seat on planes. Never have.

When I was young, my family lived at a summer beach house. The kids slept on the back porch in sleeping bags. We’d horse around as kids do. My brother used to coax me into my bag, head first. Then he’d cinch off the opening, trapping me inside.

Sitting in the middle seat makes me feel trapped.

Recently I was in Seattle visiting my sister. The day before flying home, my friend Kate called. “Could we get together on your way through Anchorage to Kodiak?”

I hadn’t seen Kate for a long time and I sensed a visit would be good. So I changed my ticket. The plan was for Kate to pick me up at midnight when I landed in Anchorage. We could drink coffee and share stories into the wee hours. Then she’d drive me back to the airport in time to catch my 6 AM flight to Kodiak. It would be an all-nighter, but good friends are priceless.

Gate D-7 was jammed with passengers.

“This is a full flight,” announced the Alaska Airlines agent. “We invite you to gate-check your carry-ons.”

We boarded the plane and I found my seat. I panicked. “Oh, no, not the middle!” This was going to be a long, 3-hour flight…

I clicked my seat belt and broadcasted a prayer. “Lord, if someone doesn’t make the flight, please let it be the aisle seat next to me.”

Minutes later, a voice came over the loudspeaker. “Flight attendants, please make the cabin ready for takeoff.”

I looked around. Every seat was occupied, except the aisle seat to my left.


Was this dumb luck?

I’ve come to accept that coincidences are more than chance.

“Miracles whisper words of wisdom and encouragement to us as we struggle and yearn,” says Yitta Halberstam, author of Small Miracles: Heartwarming Gifts of Extraordinary Circumstances.

They [miracles] are mysterious, magical, and awe-inspiring testimonials to God’s presence in our ordinary, everyday lives. — Yitta Halberstam

Handful of sea glass

Story #2: Magic happens while hunting for sea glass

On Kodiak Island, you’ll find a special beach at the end of a forest trail. Locals call it Glass Beach. Here the tide delivers colorful shards of sea glass, twisted copper bits, even World War II dog tags. This story is about the time that Glass Beach delivered not glass, but an answer to… You’ll love the rest of the story.

Nothing may truly be said to be a “miracle” except in the profound sense that everything is a miracle. That each of us is encased in an intricately organized body, and is set upon an earth whirling through space among the stars — is anything more commonplace! or more miraculous! — Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi (published in 30+ languages and available through Amazon)

snowflake, real, snow crystal, nitrogen, fertilizer, organic gardening tips, Kodiak, Alaska

Story #3: Snowflakes and chocolate

Have you ever seen a snowflake up close? Really close? This is a story about snowflakes and a little miracle that happened while I was photographing them… Click on over to read the rest of the story.

In conclusion, the Small Miracles series was published 20 years ago. Which means you can pick one up for a song.

Hopefully, it will be a melody that fills your heart and soul and that you’ll come to realize that miracles do happen.


Thank you for visiting my blog.

Cheers and love to you,

Kodiak, Alask

More links and resources for you:

1. Introduction to “A Course in Miracles” (3:50 video with over 220,000 subscribers, by the way)

A Course in Miracles is a modern-day program for healing the Mind, removing all judgment, learning to trust the Higher Self/Holy Spirit/Intuition, and coming to consistent Peace of Mind.” — David Hoffmeister.

The Course was initially scribed and typed up during the years of 1965–1972 by two professors of Medical Psychology at Columbia University: Helen Schucman and Bill Thetford. With the aid of Ken Wapnick, Robert Skutch, Judith Skutch Whitson, and philanthropist Reed Erickson, “the Course” was published on June 26, 1976 (by the Foundation for Inner Peace) and has gone on to sell over 3 million copies in 25+ languages.

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Marion Owen is on a mission to help busy people survive day-to-day life by condensing topics such as photography, cooking, and organic gardening into bite-size pieces. Get Marion’s free 4-page “In Good Light: Photo Tips for Busy People” to feel newly recharged when taking pictures.


  • Denise Wolff
    August 5, 2019 at 7:49 PM

    Love this issue, Marion! Especially the part about the 3am snowflake photo shoot! Well done!

    • marionowen
      August 5, 2019 at 8:05 PM

      Thank you Denise… now we just need snow this winter for more snowflake miracles!


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