Cooking / Insights / Kodiak, AK / Photography

"A Life at Sea": My little photo essay in Alaska Magazine

Puffins, horned puffins, photograph, photo, photography, Alaska Magazine, Alaska, ocean, sea, Marion Owen

Whew. Every summer, life in Kodiak, Alaska ramps up: My husband Marty and I run an oceanfront B&B and host about 100 tours on our boat in the form of wildlife viewing/photo trips. As the chief cook and bottle washer, I have great views for doing dishes). But I haven’t always cooked, scrubbed toilets, grown kale salads, and photographed for a living. I’ll explain.

The July/August issue of Alaska Magazine printed a photo essay of my work, showing the beauty that abounds on Kodiak Island. The photo essay, called “A Life at Sea,” is a play on words you see, because I once worked as an Able-Bodied Seaman and later as a 3rd Mate (Merchant Marine Officer) aboard research ships and tugs.

Even then, my camera helped me describe to friends and family back home what it was like to spend 6 to 8 months at sea. I hope you enjoy it as much as I loved taking the photos.Puffins, horned puffins, photograph, photo, photography, Alaska Magazine, Alaska, ocean, sea otter, starfish, sea lion, Steller sea lion, pigeon guillemot, seabirds, sea, Marion Owen
Puffins, horned puffins, photograph, photo, photography, Alaska Magazine, Alaska, orca, whales, killer whales, ocean, sea, Marion Owen
BY THE WAY: If you’re thinking about traveling to Kodiak Island, be sure to visit the Discover Kodiak visitor website.

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  • Charlotte Moore
    July 31, 2016 at 3:37 AM

    How wonderful for them to feature you and your work…how thankful I am to know you and call you a friend. Hope to see you in August! Happy Sunday Love Charlotte
    Sent from my iPad

    • marionowen
      July 31, 2016 at 4:24 PM

      And I look forward to seeing YOU. Hope the photography is going well. Remember to keep it simple. Blessings to you, Marion

  • roguewave1
    July 30, 2016 at 3:51 PM

    Oh Marion, Beautiful :))
    Sent from my iPhone

    • marionowen
      July 31, 2016 at 4:25 PM

      As are you, Kate. Inspirations abound everywhere. Love and hugs, Marion


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