
A gathering place of healthy cooking and healthy recipes. My later blog posts reflect a change in lifestyle after a health scare in our household. Out with the old cookbooks, and in with the new. My focus turned to plant-based recipes and plant-based cooking.

Cooking, Gardening

Chickweed: Friend, Foe, or Food? (Garden column #1307)

Q: How to get rid of chickweed? A: Don’t try to beat it, EAT IT! On most Tuesdays, I teach an online class called the Compost Academy. Students, mostly women, from Alabama to Australia, meet in lively Zoom meetings. It’s not just about composting either, especially on Fridays, which have become “let’s stump Marion” Q&A


Guide to the 20 best benefits of lemon

In Kodiak, Alaska, lemons do not grow on trees. So when lemons went on sale at Safeway, I bought a dozen. Thankfully, friends and family members sent me dozens of how-to-use lemon tips. Here is a zesty Top 20, from

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