Marion Owen

garden, gardening, seed, seeds, seed starting, tools

My favorite gardening tool

Gardeners often ask me what my favorite tool is. It’s not a rake, cultivator hoe or pair of good gloves (though if you gave me a pair I wouldn’t argue). My favorite tool is the No. 2 pencil. Not those mechanical jobbies; just a wooden one.<!–more–> See for yourself. Pick up a pencil and roll it

Insights, Photography

Are snowflakes alive?

Have you ever seen a real snowflake up close? At first glance, they resemble bits of frozen water. That’s what I thought until I started taking pictures of snowflakes. Follow my story about chasing snowflakes. You’ll discover the answer to the universal question,

Insights, Kodiak, AK, Photography

Snowflakes: Pretty in Pink

Keys in hand, grocery list in my pocket, I head to the door for a round of errands. While slipping on my gloves, I glance out the office window just long enough to watch several snowflakes make their way earthward. Finally, snow! I tossed the keys on the desk and scoot outside. Grabbing the black,

Insights, Photography

Saint Cottonwood

I pulled over to the side of the road and parked near a chain link fence. Last week’s snow squeaked underfoot as I shuffled around the car: setting up the tripod, locking the camera into place and dusting the front of the lens. When I left the house, the thermometer read three degrees (F). I fumbled

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