
A gathering place of healthy cooking and healthy recipes. My later blog posts reflect a change in lifestyle after a health scare in our household. Out with the old cookbooks, and in with the new. My focus turned to plant-based recipes and plant-based cooking.

oranges, fruit, vitamin c, recipe
Cooking, Insights

In praise of: Oranges (but not that frozen stuff)

Growing up in the rainy Pacific Northwest, winters were gray and summers couldn’t come fast enough. But tagging along with Mom to the grocery store provided some relief. Wheeling the cart along the bins of colorful fruits and veggies, she’d stop and motion for me to pick out an orange.

Rhubarb pickles
Cooking, Kodiak, AK

Get in the pink with rhubarb pickles [recipe]

Just when you think you’ve tried all the rhubarb recipes on the planet, then comes… Oh, sure, you can find rhubarb pickle recipes online, but I found most of them to be impractical, with silly ingredients and silly instructions. My motto is to keep it simple, tasty, healthy, and quick, which I tried to accomplish in

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