Marion Owen's "Lagniappe" Blog

I’m learning how to not do too much. To be authentic, embrace joy, and not burn the oatmeal.


How to compost leaves and make leaf mold (garden column #1320)

For many gardeners, the end of the gardening season is bittersweet. It’s hard to say goodbye to all your carefully-tended plant friends. On the other hand, there is plenty of good about this seasonal transition. In Kodiak, it means vibrant colors, the start of northern lights viewing, and silver salmon fishing. One more thing… Autumn […]


Winter solstice in Kodiak, Alaska (garden column #1333)

Given a choice between celebrating the Winter Solstice or the New Year, the solstice would win, hands down. More significant to me is the return of light. And if you’re like most people, dispelling darkness in the middle of winter is a real thing. I think back to a conversation with my dear friend, Jill

Cooking, Gardening

Chickweed: Friend, Foe, or Food? (Garden column #1307)

Q: How to get rid of chickweed? A: Don’t try to beat it, EAT IT! On most Tuesdays, I teach an online class called the Compost Academy. Students, mostly women, from Alabama to Australia, meet in lively Zoom meetings. It’s not just about composting either, especially on Fridays, which have become “let’s stump Marion” Q&A

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