
holiday, lights, boats, festival, winter, Christmas, stars, Alaska, Kodiak

Sustainable Santa knows if you’ve been good

During this year’s annual Harbor Lights Festival in Kodiak, Marty and I joined hundreds of friends and neighbors to walk the docks and vote for our favorite Christmas-y boat. One little boy looked up at us and with firm conviction declared, “Santa Claus is coming to town!” Yes, Santa Claus is coming to town

berries, hiking, Kodiak, Alaska, island, fall, autumn, colors, iPhone, photography, Marion, Owen
Insights, Photography

Why take another photo?

I’ve been carrying a camera around since I was ten, starting with a Brownie Instamatic camera, a gift from Mom and Dad. It’s all digital now. Thousands of images later, sometimes I’d wonder, “Aren’t there enough photos

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